How To Combine Two Sound Sources Into Headphones

If you're the kind of gamer who plays and enjoy music at the same time, here's a guide on how to combine two sound sources into headphones.

4 Ohm vs. 8 Ohm Speakers: Which Are Better?

We will compare 4 Ohm vs. 8 Ohm speakers in this article to see which speaker has the better impedance and which is good for your needs.

How To Use Bluetooth Headphones with Oculus Quest 2

Here's a step by step guide on how to use Bluetooth headphones with Oculus Quest 2 to improve your VR audio experience.

Why do some people call headphones cans?

Here's the reason why do some people call headphones cans, and a brief history of how headphones were made.

Earbuds vs. Headphones For Hearing Damage – What’s Better For Your Ears?

Ear gadgets affect our hearing differently which begs the question, earbuds vs. headphones, which one would cause hearing damage?

Audio Interface vs Headphone Amp: What’s Better For Listening?

If you wish to start making music but are still learning the fundamentals, here is a comparison between an audio interface vs headphone amp.

Cubase Artist Vs. Pro Compared: Which Is Better?

If you're interested in music production and unsure whether to get Cubase Artist or Pro, check out this article about Cubase Artist Vs. Pro.

Windows 10: How To Play Sound Through Speakers and Headphones At The Same Time

Here's a detailed guide on how to play sound through speakers and headphones at the same time when using a PC or a Mac.

Guide: How To Use Single Jack Headset On PC Without Splitter

If your PC doesn't have a single headset output setup, here's a guide on how to use single jack headset pc without splitter.

What Headphones Does Ninja Use? Headset & Gaming Setup Revealed

If you are one of Ninja or Richard Tyler Blevins's fans, you might want to know what headphones does Ninja use and what is his gaming set up.

How To Get Apple Headphones to Work On PS4 [Solved]

This article will show you how to link your phone to your gaming console, how to get apple headphones to work on PS, and much more.

Plane Etiquette: Can You Take The Headphones From Business/First Class?

Business/first class have nice headphones, but can you take the headphones from business/first class? We'll talk about that here.